Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again
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Build Date
USA | Europe | Japan |
05/07/09 4:13 PM | 08/03/09 7:57:06 AM | 08/18/09 7:32:06 AM |
\root\data\menu\timestamp contains a MM/DD/YY build date. The USA Revision 1 version only has a header difference to the USA version.
(Source: Original TCRF research)
ARM9 Binary
Could not allocate %d bytes from heap -- out of main Memory! Could not create main heap--don't let it end this way!!
trying to save to out of bounds slot
found something not a tile nor an actor in GetActorTileInfo
trying to load out of bounds world ID for nathan's ID is off in ACTORS in DesignerMain.c ID for nathan's ID is off in TILES in DesignerMain.c didn't find a guy for the menu... is he included in the world? wrong Actor Tile Found wrong case z21 Wrong elev var: Found wrong elevator variation Found Wrong 2x2 pipe var Found Wrong 1x2 pipe var Found Wrong 2x1 pipe var Found Wrong SPLIT pipe horizontal var Found Wrong SPLIT pipe vertical var Found wrong type in GetGameIndex found wrong pipe corner wrong piece in pipe exit flags Trying to place to many of something wrong pipe No such thing as a moving platform Found multiple uniqu itmes unimplemented autocomplete feature Trying to Autocomplete 8x8 grid, should be the 16x16 trying to autocomplete a range that is too big. Right edge... Unimplemented Limited Placeable Case Found wrong case in rotate pipe thing pipeRot prob pipeRot prob 2 where's the SPLIT pipe? found nobody, but should have someone no channel set when setting up our elevator extras shouldn't be getting this guy line end prob get line is whacked out got wrong value or more than 2 exits??? found wrong piece when trying to set up delete line LoadEditorBin
Toad Peach
N4ntmv3m2d4PageE N4ntmv3m2d4PaneE N4ntmv3m2d7PictureE N4ntmv3m2d6WindowE N4ntmv3m2d7TextBoxE N4ntmv3m2d16ResourceAccessorE N4ntmv3m2d19ArcResourceAccessorE
N4ntmv3m2d6detail11TexelPickerE N4ntmv3m2d6detail17DirectTexelPickerE N4ntmv3m2d6detail21Palette256TexelPickerE N4ntmv3m2d9UIElementE N4ntmv3m2d8UIStaticE N4ntmv3m2d7UIPanelE N4ntmv3m2d9ObjButtonE N4ntmv3m2d12ScrollButtonE N4ntmv3m2d15ScrollIndicatorE N4ntmv3m2d14ManualTocPanelE N4ntmv3m2d6detail10ItemsPanelE N4ntmv3m2d12ManualButtonE N4ntmv3m2d15PageHeaderPanelE
(Source: Original TCRF research)
ARM9 Overlay 0
Boss INTRO Platinum: %s Reset Save Data Sure? YES NO Total %d sec
MSLoadStringTable MSGetString MSGetStringBufferLength MSGetMenuAssetData MSSendMessage MSSetStartTransitionCallback MSSetMessageHandler MSSetTransitionMemoryInitCallback MSSetTransitionObjectInitCallback MSGoPreviousLayer MSSetCurrent MSGetCurrentLayerID MSResetHistory MSUpdate MSRender MSSetObjectState MSGetObjectState MSLoadNextAsset MSGetLayerName MSGetObjectCount MSGetObjectPosition MSSetObjectPosition MSSetSliderPosition MSGetSliderInfo MSLayerIsTransitioning MSCheckLayerCompatibility MSCheckObjectCompatibility
An identical set of strings exists in Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis.
map6 map7 map8 map9 map1 map2 map3 map4 map5 map10 map11 map12 map13 map14 mapid map15 map16 map17 map18 map19 map20 region ownerid private recordid map_name my_rating tblMapInfo high_score tblApproval offensiveid player_name num_ratings stat_fileid author_name min_ratings map_recordid tblPlayerInfo tblRegionInfo approval_flag nintendo_name tblNintendoMap average_rating tblOffensiveMap allowed_regions mapid.create_time approval_recordid stat_fileid.downloads mvsdk25ds
data%d.lvl %s = %d %s desc (%s & %d = %d) and (%s != %d) and (POWER(2, %s - 1) & %d != 0) (%s & %d = %d) and (%s != %d) and (POWER(2, %s - 1) & %d != 0) and (%s >= %d) (%s & %d = %d) and (%s != %d) and (%s = %d) and (POWER(2, %s - 1) & %d != 0) recordid = %d dummy
R-11 R-12 R-10
(Source: Original TCRF research)
ARM9 Overlay 2
Trying to use too many split pipes!
Got wrong guy in scrollATMenu Placing too many actors/tiles in menu Using more guys in a menu than we intended
trying to undo when we can't (probably a limited placable check) trying to REDO when we can't Major error, deleting 2 channels simultaneously Found wrong dangler found a tied guy, but he has zero or more than one ties GetActorProb Grabbing not main piece in mover
Toad Peach Got wrong value for level to load
Ran out of actors didn't find OBJ actor Found zero copyFrom Found bad Loc for anti erase minimap This is the Info screen. Empty download User Done User Unfin
too many components in dialog Old save code found null string pointer Wrong id in Multi Save Exit Found unimplimented case in DialogBoxCallback. Unimplemented in DialogBoxCallback nextDialog Wrong EdButtonMode
couldn't find guy for channel fix Lost Elevator extras on save Problem Saving the Game Slot is out of bounds in GetFinishedStatus wrong case second Maybe actor Screwed up in Danger Flags on export found wrong case in Maybe Actor should have found a tied end didn't find SPLIT half piece on export didn't find pipe that we should have on export couldn't find track for path plat Found data not 4-byte alligned Ran out of channels ran out of Anti Grids Trying to delete a non existant water bucket Should have found water bucket
(Source: Original TCRF research)
ARM7 Binary
Found at the end of the file.