Axiom Verge
Axiom Verge |
Thomas Happ Games LLC File:AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas. ![]() |
To do:
Unused Room
Unused Enemy
Unused Secret World Entrance Type?
Internal Enemy Names
todo. credit initial discoverer on wikia thread about enemy naming.
The enemies (excluding the bosses) have some creative internal naming and aren't named elsewhere.
Internal Name | Name |
SecurityWorm | Xedur |
SoldierBoss | Telal |
SlugBoss | Uruku |
ScorpionBoss | Gir-Tab |
MantaBoss | Vision (Speedrun mode) / Hallucination (achievements) |
DeformedTrace | Clone |
SpitBugBoss | Ukhu |
Sentinel | Sentinel |
SecurityWormAdvanced | Xedur Hul |
Athetos | Athetos |
"Proper" boss names are from the speedrun mode and achievements.
Piston1 Piston2 ElevatorEndCap Annihiwaiter Arachnoptopus Artichoker Blite Blurst BlurstSpawn Buhbull BuhbullSpawner Buoyg CortantSpawner Cortant Daraga Diskko DonaughtFactory Donaught Drometon Elsenova EyeCopter FlynnStone Fungine Furglot Gill Glugg Goolumn GrippingHands Hookfish Hoverbug Hoverling Hugger Jorm Jormite LoopDiatom LoopDiatom_Violet Mogra MushroomPoof Mutant Mutant_Strong NightRayTube NightRay NrokSpawner Nrok Oraca Pliaa Porcupine Potato Prongfish Quadropus RepairDrone RepairDroneSpawner Rugg Rugg_Meta Scorpiant Seamk SentryBot SentryBot_Meta SmallMogra Snailborg Snailborg_Meta SpaceBat Spidler Spiru SpitBug SpitbugNest SpungusSpore SpungusSporeSpawner Streeg SwarmilyChild SwarmilyParent TieFlighter TraceHallucination TrapClaw TrapClaw_Meta TrapClaw_Gamma TubeWorm TubePuff Volg WillOWisp Yorchug Zeborg Athetos BreachAttractor BreachAttractorPowerCell DeformedTraceChrysalis DeformedTrace MantaBoss ScorpionBoss SecurityWorm SecurityWormAdvanced Sentinel SoldierBoss SlugBellyGun SlugCenterGun SlugBoss SlugShoulderCannon SlugTopGun SpitBugBoss SpitBugBossSpawn
As listed in Creatures.xml
Unused Menu Text
To do: Check which demo versions these were used in. |
These messages aren't translated in the non-English files. The files are found in Content\Text\Messages\. They appear to be leftovers from demo versions.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <THText xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <mLanguage>English</mLanguage> <THTextEntry mKey="THANK_YOU">Thank you for playing the Axiom Verge demo! Download the full PS4 version March 31st, 2015, on PSN! @axiomverge</THTextEntry> <THTextEntry mKey="DEMO_WELCOME"> Welcome to the Axiom Verge IGF demo! Please note, this is a very early work-in-progress build. Thanks! Tom 702-467-0535</THTextEntry> <THTextEntry mKey="PS4_KIOSK_DEMO_END">Thank you for playing the Axiom Verge demo! Download the final version on PS4 and Vita in early 2015!</THTextEntry> <THTextEntry mKey="IGF_END">Thank you for playing the Axiom Verge IGF build! This marks the end of the playable area (roughly 1/2 of the final game). Look for the final version on PS4 and Vita in early 2015!</THTextEntry> <THTextEntry mKey="PRESS_DEMO_EPISODE">Thank you for playing the Axiom Verge slow reveal #3! We'll be releasing further episodes on the way to launch! </THTextEntry> </THText>
<THTextEntry mKey="KIOSK_DEMO">Demo</THTextEntry>
<THTextEntry mKey="WEBSITE"></THTextEntry>
<THTextEntry mKey="TWITTER">Follow on Twitter! @AxiomVerge</THTextEntry>
<THTextEntry mKey="FACEBOOK">Follow on Facebook!</THTextEntry>
Unused Dialogue Event / Early/Cut Plot Points in Developer Comments
To do: Try uncommenting them then triggering them |
The unused cutscenes are commented out, which is presumably why they can't be played with the cutscene cheat code.
The unused hallucination cutscene uses the otherwise unused dialogue portraits: HallucinatoryHead2 and HallucinatoryHead3
Test Font?
Version Differences
- Games developed by Thomas Happ Games LLC
- Games published by Thomas Happ Games LLC
- Windows games
- Wii U games
- Pages with broken file links
- Games with unused areas
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused enemies
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused cinematics
- Games with unused text
- Games with debugging functions
- Games with hidden sound tests
- Games with regional differences
- Games with revisional differences
- To do