Notes:Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii

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File formats

LH compression

All files are compressed as .LH files.

Use ntcompress.exe or similar. And create a batch file with the code below, place ntcompress.exe and the batch file in the folder with the LH'd files and run the batch file

for %%f in (*.LH) do ntcompress.exe -x -o %%~nf %%f

if you want to recompress them to .LH

for %%f in (*.arc *.bin *.kpbin) do ntcompress.exe -lh %%f

This will work easily in wine in the terminal by first running wine cmd

(Source: JasonP27)

World Map tilesets

Newer Team hasn't released their world map editor yet, but somebody made an equivalent.
This tool can be used to open world map files.


Message.arc can be decompressed to produce a bmg file with Brawlbox and then converted to txt with Wiims SZS Tools. It is a slightly long-winded process, so finally here is the plain text version of Message.arc.


Magic Platform

The "Magic Platform" sprite is a custom sprite made for Newer. It can be used to make tiles move when an event is activated. Hence the name, it creates platforms out of nothing other than tiles.